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Marketing leader & Wharton MBA with expertise in marketing strategy, product development & innovation

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Reduce customer churn using the 5W's Tool

My love for the 5Ws was professed (or at least implied) in a prior post, proving that I am not afraid to express my deep affection for abstract concepts - luckily I have a very understanding wife. So here we go again, another ode to the 5Ws, one of the simplest yet most powerful ways to generate ideas to improve your business.Let's kick things...
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Using the 5Ws to reduce customer churn

My love for the 5Ws was professed (or at least implied) in a prior post, proving that I am not afraid to express my deep affection for abstract concepts - luckily I have a very understanding wife. So here we go again, another ode to the 5Ws, one of the simplest yet most powerful ways to generate ideas to improve your business.Let's kick things...
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