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Wilton Stentz, the Yoda of online marketing...

All marketers know how important successful communication is - whether you're trying to build brand awareness, maintain the loyalty of an existing customer base, or influence key decision makers at work.

The Law of Association
While there are several core 'laws' that underlie successful communications, few are as crucial and as powerful as the law of association.

The law of association is based on the solid yet simple notion that in order to communicate effectively with anyone, you need to work with the material that already exists inside of their heads. Al Ries & Jack Trout underscored this premise in their classic book, Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind.

The law of association is particularly powerful when you are introducing something new to people, especially when it is complex, hard to "size up" or hard to visualize. Through using what is already in people's heads, you can instantly communicate in a manner that is both clear & compelling.

Who the heck is Wilton Stentz?
Let's use the title of this article as an example of the law in action. Now you probably don't know who Wilton Stentz is, but you most certainly know our friend, Yoda. Let's imagine that Mr. Stentz is a wise & experienced online marketing consultant who lives in Zurich. Now I could simply say these very words to you and you would be able to comprehend them; whether you would really hear them & remember them is a different matter. But when I look into your mind to identify something that represents wisdom & experience in a rich & visually compelling way, I come up with an association that immediately brings Mr. Stentz's attributes to life. When Wilton is compared to Yoda - in an instant - you "get it".

"It's the Rolls Royce of..."
To touch upon a few additional examples, you've probably heard the law of association used with respect to a a famous luxury automobile brand. Ever had someone tell you, "It's the Rolls Royce of... so-and-so"? Or, how about the brilliant use of the law by baby toy manufacturer, Baby Einstein? What parents don't want their children to become as brilliant as Albert Einstein?

Looking at current events you can see the law of association playing out in the presidential primaries on the Republican side. Just have a look at what Fred Thompson has tried to do, attempting to associate himself with former President Reagan. Perhaps it was a clever idea; however, one requirement that Fred seems to have overlooked is that the law requires there to be real integrity behind the association that is made. There is no substitute for this requirement, nor will there ever be.

The law of association has a rich and varied set of applications within communications, and I look forward to exploring them in future posts.


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